Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin Laden Lastest News!

      President Obama decided not to release Osama Bin Laden dead photos. Releasing this photo could bring more danger into the United States. Meaning that the followers of Al Qaeda could plan something against the U.S for those pictures. Yet, there has been some photo release of the scene where Osama was killed. The bloody scene. Obama also told CBS news that releasing the photo of a dead person who got shot in the head in the internet and letting it be an incitement photo is not what he wants. One of the Americans officers told the story. It seems like they were in the middle of a firefight. Gun shots everywhere. As they got closer to the house they saw Bin Laden brother which was seen getting ready to start shooting. Because of that, they had no other choice but to shot his brother and kill him. They started to go up the stairs Bin Laden son was also killed. As they enter the room they saw Osama holding an AK-47 and also a Makarov pistol. He wasn’t alone, he was with a women. The Seal Team started to fire and killed both Osama Bin Laden and the women. By that moment the firefight was over. They search his home and found allot of papers, DVD and thumb drives.
            Omar Bin Laden told ABC news that letting those photos public was not the best thing they could do. Omar was Osama fourth son. He wrote his own book: Growing up Bin Laden". He also said that when he was young Osama told him to be the leader for jihad. But Omar betrayed his father and told him no. To Omar killing innocent people was very unfair and he thought that Osama should had written letter to those he had problems with. That’s the one thing he was unacceptable about his father. Osama only liked ONE thing about United States and that one thing were the weapons. Omar would ask his father why he likes doing all this and what’s so good about it and his father would stay quiet. After 9/11 his goals were to attack and do damage!  Osama was raised as a fighter. But when the American Troops went over for some reason Osama didn’t like the idea.

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