Monday, May 9, 2011

Unhealthy FriendShip

              Most people these days have that one person they call "BestFriends". They do everything together : go to school together, join the same school team, make videos for youtube, talks about the enemy. Its sad to know that these relationships dont always stay around for long. There are always people that get in between friendship. Be aware cause your bestfriend could end up being your enemy.
              I know this because i went threw it. I use to call this girl "BestFriend" or "BFF". I knew her for three years and those three years we did everything together. We would prank people, play softball together, take pictures or make funny videos, she would come to my house or i woud go to her house. Eventually in the 10th grade we made a crew called "LRC". All of my girlfriends were in that. It was eight of us. We decided to join the talent show and since that day on we just started arguing untill we never said a word to each other. Its sad to be in school having eight so called good friends and leaving the school with one only. I had to transfer school because of those girls i used to call friends. I wanted to have a good job in my future and being stuck in a school were everyday i would argue and fight with girls was not the way to get to college.
           What i mean by that is never to give your trust to someone you know for three or four years. They could be nice, kool, crazy but at the end they will show who they really are. Never trust someone unless your heart knows that, that person will be the Good friend you need. The friend that will always be there for you and wont betrayed you for someone they met three weeks ago. My solution is to trust myself and nobody else. Jelousy seems to be the number one reason why Friendship come to a end. Your friend could get jelousy because your pretty and maybe the boy she likes might like you. Sometimes, she could be jelousy because you didnt go to her house but you did go to somebody else house. These are not reason to get mad at your friend. A real friend wont be jelousy of you but happy and proud. A real friend wont leave you alone to go to the movies when your home crying and sad. She would be there for you in the bad and the good giving you her hands and her shoulders so you can cry on her. I would like to have a real friend but at the same time i believe im better of alone.

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