Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blogs I Read =]

-Shayaa Abdus Samad - All your Blogs were good :) Flow of Consciousness was very interesting to me.

-Bibi Badrideen -  Your blogs were very interesting. I really enjoy reading your blogs.

-Fatima Baines - I agree to you blog about fighting. Everything you wrote TRUE!

-Andray Bramwell - Good Job :) "Perfect" took my attention.

-Claribel Checo- Blogs were good. Those are memorize unforgettable.
Amber Clarke- Tallest man in the world. Wow! I always wanted to know that :)

-Tashawna Dallas-  I really got into your post. I could say that "How soon you can say "I Love You" was my favorite.

-Shanice Davy- I also agree to your blog about respectinh parents. Good Job on that blog.

-Ruthnie Degand - Your blog about break up was really GOOD. All your blogs were good but that one was like the main attention to me :).

-Tiffany Evans- Your blog was really cool. The topics were also good.

-Tierra Green-  Even though i never seen those shows before they seem pretty cool. Good job on the blogs.

-Tuesdae  Imperial- Nice Blogs

-Jessica Lopez- Blogs are great ; I agree to your blog about the police force to shot the pitbull ; i have two pitbull and i dont know what i will do if police had to shot them :/

-Sara Michele Louis - Your Blogs were very good your blogs were also one of my favorites especially the one of crushes because i went threw the same.

-Shanice Lynch- Blog on Boys ; lol ; Niceee! :) FYI: Boys seems to know how to play there role even though is totally WRONG!

-A Dale Matthews- Nice to know your into poems and maybe it would be better if you show us one of your poems :) lol.

-Natural Parker - GOOD job on the blogs. The blog on the eyebrow seem kind of funny to me but it does suck to know that they were awful after hearing they were good.-.-! Atleast you gave it a try.

-Chavonne Parkes- Fshion Blogs =] The blog on Gaga shoes was kool. Her shoes are so weird and her style is to but i aint complain lol is unique and nice.

-Anthony Persuad- Your blogs were so kool and i strongly agree with you when you said its creepy for a car to be control by a robot but its pretty cool.

-Katherine Ramirez- I really liked your blog about going threw alot to end up with nothing ; Thats why we really shouldnt trust anybody in a rush. Good Job!

-Alexandria Rodriguez- I also believe 100% of the reader agree with you on your blog about liers. Nice Job ! Your blogs were interesting.

-Danielle Staz-Your blogs seem pretty funny to me lol you seem to really not like the month May.

-Madhu Sharma-Your Blog page is really kool. I like the blog about the 3D paints ; is very kool and it look very amazing. So as the cavez. Your blogs are very interesting and kool :)

-Dejon Spears - Your blog about May21 might drive people a little crazy. I notice that alot of people only talk about what they going to do for the last couples of days they have left.-.- lOl

-Jermain Trim- Your blogs are also very intersting. I read the one of the women who left her new born in the trash can ; is sad and crazy at the same time ; and the one the man killed his wife; idk how people mind works these days!

-Amina Zafar- Your blog on Cheating is funny aswell as true. It could b fun but if you think about it your not really that smart if you cheat. You just get someone else grades lol

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