Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Death

   Its Been told that Osama Bin Laden, the Leadrer Of  al Qaeda terror network was killed yesterday.The U.S Forces had killed him. His body is being hold in the US Custody. People celebrate his death in front of the White House and in Central Park by  singing, holding up the America Flag and by shouting out loud "United States". According to the speech President Obama gave last nite, Bin Laden recieved a gun shot. His body was found in a mansion at Pakistan. The goverment had said that he has been waiting for this day for 10 years. Osama was known for the tragic that had happen in 9/11. Taking away the life from all those innocent people out there in New York City. May they rest in piece. Everybody now feel a little more secure but not to much. People around the world now thinks Osama Bin Laden followers would come to us.
  It seem like

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