Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dont Fake Love!

                 Karmas a B***H! Theres always this one person that fakes their love toward somebody else. I believe that is not the right thing to do because is could happen to you. Playing with somebodys heart just isnt the right thing to do. If someone feels love for you and you believe that the person is mixing their feelings of love and friendship is better off telling them the truth. The truth may hurt them but lieing to them hurts even more. For example : if a boy askes a girl out and the girl dont like him but says yes just because she feels bad for him then shes not doing nothing good for herself. The guy is going to fall in love with her and when someone falls in love its hard to make them understand the truth. Just say the truth. Most girls/boys that goes out with somebody else  would say "I Love You" without meaning it and when someone hears those words they get excited. Especially if they feel love for them. Faking love toward somebody else could get into a messing knot.
                  Do you prefer to be in love or fake it. When you really feel love toward somebody, you dont have to lie. You have trust in your couple, you would be there for him as well as they would be their for you. You dont have to feel uncomfortable. In fake love you feel unsecure, you think to much of whats wrong and what you want to do, there not a drop of trust and its just not the right feeling. If your not sure of what real love is then just wait untill the day comes. The day would come and that one person would show you the real meaning of love.

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