Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New York Wants PROVE!

     It seems that half of New York City folks wants prove of Osama Bin Laden Death. According to President Obama's word, its going to be very difficult to show pictures or video of his dead body. The White House doesnt want to make a mistake and publish photos of Bin Laden to the public. They are trying to avoid that the Muslims and Bin Ladens follwers see them. New York hope are not to have anymore horrible harm or killing of 1000 of innocent peoples. Osama Bin Laden body was buried at the sea. The other half of New York proudly says "Hes Dead, Hes Gone, Game Over". They dont seem to worry about what may come after all this. Most people also hope that terrorist may dissapear after Bin Laden death. Bin Laden DNA test was taken and came out to be 99.9%. Its been told that they had tested the DNA with his sister brain. His sister died a year ago and her brain tissue and blood samples were saved for this same reason. President Obama still believes that releasing a photo of Bin Laden would not be any harm but to the Muslims.

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