Monday, May 16, 2011

The Commandments Of Love

By now, everyone should know that my main topic is LOVE :) My friend and I wrote these commandments one day and i would like to share it with the class:
1-Obey and love your girlfriend over Everything
2-Do not play your love in vain
3-Love her/him even though your/her parents dont accept it
4-Go where your partner ask you to be
5-Do not make her/him wait when your going to meet up
6-Passionately kissing your girlfriend leaving her breathless
7-Do not desire someone else to be your partner
8-Sacrifice to get that love
9-Make her/him know that you are only there for her/him and nobody else!
                       This Part i wrote it myself :)
10-If you really love me let me know and I will love you for life
11-Love me with all your heart
12-Love to kiss and kiss to love
13-Never love two at the same time
14-Be nice to all my friends but not too much
15-Be faithful


  1. This is cute, and the good way to know how to be faithful. Codes of love for anyone is helpful.

  2. this is a good post i really like it =], most guys need to read this lOl!
