Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Sports Side :)

                     One of my best moments in John Adams High School was being in sports team. People never believe me when i say i use to be a cheerleader. I love to play baseball so i joined the softball team and the bowling team.

                CheerLeading :
                      It was very fun being a cheerleader. Cheering at the Spartan team was my job. In the middle of a game the team would wake up the crowd by doing one of our bestest cheers :) . Practice was pretty cool as well. The worst thing was cheering in the cold. You would frezze standing there so what our plan was to jump around screaming out our players numbers and names. 


                     I learned alot threwout the season of softball. I used to be right out field. Even though i started off playing not so good i left playing nice. I grew up playing baseball and everytime i go to Dominican Republic i would have my own team and play.

      At the end everything came out to bee Greattt! At the Awards Ceremony:



Thursday, June 2, 2011


                I just got back to New York from my long travel. In two months I visit three cities around the world. I love to travel and discover new things around the world. The first city I went to was Miami, Florida. The second city I visit was Venice, Italy and the last was Dubai, Egypt.

 Miami, Florida: 
            -Miami was so fun. There wasn't a day I was bored because I always found something fun to do. I stayed at this beautiful hotel name"Acqualina Resort and Spa." Everyday I would go to a theatre or a museum, i would take some lesson on tennis, scuba diving, sailing, ice skating, golfing, hiking, fishing, fitness room, casino gambling, pool even though the beach is around, spa facility, biking, windsurfing. There is no way where you could get bored in Miami with all these activites to do. I also went to eat at a 5-star restaurant called ''Ola Miami''. I at this delicious Churrasco style cut, grilled asparagus, chipotle crabmeat dressing and chimichurri. 

   Venice, Italy:
               - After my trip to Miami, i decided to go to Venice. I stayed at Luna Hotel Baglioni a 5-star hotel. Venice seems like the perfect place to go with your love one and just cuddle with them. Its a relaxing calm place. I went skiing when i got there. Is only a 2 hour ride from where I stayed at. I had plenty of fun in Venice. I can surely say I had a BLAST. I also went to the theatre and the museum, since I learn how to play tennis I played tennis, skiing, hiking, sailing, shopping, golfing,water skiing, winery tours. I went to one of the most famous restaurant in Venice called ''Ai Gondolieri''. Not only was the place amazing the food was incredible. It had a great taste. The workers are sweet and very nice. All the food sounded so good and the smell of the place was like amazing. Venice was totally cool.

      Dubai, Egypt:  
                  -My last trip was to Dubai, Egypt. Burj Al Arab was the hotel name I stayed at. It was a very unique hotel. The shape of the building is a sail and is also in the middle of the beach. I had such a great feeling in the hotel. Dining in the hotel is great, fitness center, pool indoor and outdoor, spa facility, beach, boating, fishing, scuba diving, water skiing, banquets and plenty more. Shabestan is the restaurant owned by the best chef. The food is also amazing over there. I ate so much that when I got back to New York I was full. By the hotel I stay, is this cool building that rotates around and around. I decided to go in the building to look around and the view from inside the building was beautiful and super amazing. That was really the best part of the whole trip. It was a big view of the beach and all the beautiful houses around it.


              How would you like to go to one of these cities and see how everything is better in person instead of being read!? Win a Free trip for 5 to any of these beautiful cities. You choose and we make sure you have a great time in there. Just sign up for it. Visit WWW.FAMOSAPRIIVONAX3.BLOGSPOT.COM and you might be the lucky winner. Good Luck !


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sajoma Yerba Buena Blast

What vacation is better than being in a beautiful island called the Dominican Repbulic. That island is full a pretty fun cool things. There are plenty of things you could do over there. Here is the list of things i done every summer i go over there [ most of the things are also done here in the New York] :
  1.  Visit the Sea  Islands of Saona and Catalinita which allows you to go around in boats and see new things you havent seen before.
  2.  Horse Back Riding 
  3.  Canadian Registered Massage Therapists : relaxation massage, body scrubs, hot stone massage, deep tissue, facilitated stretching.
  4. Scuba Diving
  5. Your could walk around the three most beautiful waterfall.
  6. The waterpark" Damajaqua Cascades "
  7. OceanWorldMarina : Coolest Dolphins, Sea lion horse, and the Shark pool. [ Imagine swimming with sharks]

       The time i went over there i had plenty of fun. I live in the Country side Yerba Buena. I love it over there , is so relaxing, beautiful, everything looks so green. Waking up to the roosters and hearing the cows and donkey. Over there i have a big nice house and alots of animals. I got 5 dogs, alot of chickens, roosters, duck, and turkeys, Pigs, Cows, Donkeys and Horses. Life over there is so easy compare to living here in New York. Here is like you have no space at all but over there you have that whole field for you and fresh air. The good thing is that when it gets super hot over there, i would go to the river which is not so far from my house.

      The people over there could be sweet at times but not always. The stores which we call Mercado or Pulberia always have the nice merengue tipico songs. At night we play bingo with money and have a good time. At times we would go around with our friends on the motorcycle. Seeing everything around. I cant wait to go back.

     My days routines are bascially all the same. I wake up do what i have to do , eat my good breakfast which is Yuca with Salami. I go to the mountains walk around and see the cows, horse and the rest of the animals around there, then i would go back home wait for my friends to come over take another trip around the whole countryside just seeing whats new around on the motorcycle. When i get back home my mom would have dinner ready i eat then wait till my friends go back to my house and like around 9:30 we would start playing bingo.  Sometimes i wouldnt go threw the routines because sometimes i go to the river or to partys so i really do like everything about Yerba Buena. I also like living over there because my grandparents from my dad side use to live there where i go to stay now. I really consider everyone over there family to me cause we get alone so well and they always there for me. I know everybody that lives overthere cause i see the same face over and over again. :) 
                              My House , Mountains I Like To Walk every morning , My Goat Lola

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Restaurante Montezuma

      Sadly, my favorite restaurant is not anywhere near me :(  New York has alot of good restaurant but this one is the best restaurant you could go to ( in my opinion]  This restaurant is located in Santiago De los Caballeros, Dominican Republic.  If anybody goes to Santiago De Los Caballeros make sure you go to Av Francia. Esq Beller , En la zona de monumenta.

            The reason i love that restaurant alot is because they cook my favorite food very GOOD, the workers are very nice, its in my country and because it has a beautiful view. In front of the restaurant is the the Dominican Republic Symbol " El Monumento"

            I would really recommand this restaurant to a friend but since its so far away :D then its really not possible. Unless they travel to Dominican Republic. Not only is the food good but the prices as well.


              Top is The Restaurante Montezuma Bottom is El Monumento
Types Of Food :
  1.   Arroz Con Pollo [ Rice and Chicken ]
  2.   Arroz Con Lechon [ Rice and Pig ] [ Chicharron , Oven ]
  3.   Arroz Con Costilla [ Rice and Rips]
  4.   Arroz Con Gandules/ Moro [ Rice with Beans]
  5.  Carne Mechada [ Braised Beef Roll ]
  6. Arengue Quisado [ Herrings in Tomato Sauce]
  7. Pastelon De Arina De Maiz [ Cornmeal and Beef Casserole ]
  8. Platano Con Salami / Tostones
  9. Vegetales a la Parillas [ Grilled Vegetables ]
  10. Ensalada de Papa y Huevos [ Potatoe and Egg Salad]
  11. Papas al Horno al ajillo [ Garlic Roasted Potatoes]
  12. Pechugas de Pollo en Salsa de Fresa [Chicken Breast with Strawberry Sauce]
  13. Tarta De Uvas
  14. My Favorite food to eat is : Arroz con Abichuela y Pollo/ Carne De Rey and Platano con Salami :D
  15. They have any drinks you could ever think of ;) [ Margarita Tequila ]
   Here are some Pictures of The Food:


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blogs I Read =]

-Shayaa Abdus Samad - All your Blogs were good :) Flow of Consciousness was very interesting to me.

-Bibi Badrideen -  Your blogs were very interesting. I really enjoy reading your blogs.

-Fatima Baines - I agree to you blog about fighting. Everything you wrote TRUE!

-Andray Bramwell - Good Job :) "Perfect" took my attention.

-Claribel Checo- Blogs were good. Those are memorize unforgettable.
Amber Clarke- Tallest man in the world. Wow! I always wanted to know that :)

-Tashawna Dallas-  I really got into your post. I could say that "How soon you can say "I Love You" was my favorite.

-Shanice Davy- I also agree to your blog about respectinh parents. Good Job on that blog.

-Ruthnie Degand - Your blog about break up was really GOOD. All your blogs were good but that one was like the main attention to me :).

-Tiffany Evans- Your blog was really cool. The topics were also good.

-Tierra Green-  Even though i never seen those shows before they seem pretty cool. Good job on the blogs.

-Tuesdae  Imperial- Nice Blogs

-Jessica Lopez- Blogs are great ; I agree to your blog about the police force to shot the pitbull ; i have two pitbull and i dont know what i will do if police had to shot them :/

-Sara Michele Louis - Your Blogs were very good your blogs were also one of my favorites especially the one of crushes because i went threw the same.

-Shanice Lynch- Blog on Boys ; lol ; Niceee! :) FYI: Boys seems to know how to play there role even though is totally WRONG!

-A Dale Matthews- Nice to know your into poems and maybe it would be better if you show us one of your poems :) lol.

-Natural Parker - GOOD job on the blogs. The blog on the eyebrow seem kind of funny to me but it does suck to know that they were awful after hearing they were good.-.-! Atleast you gave it a try.

-Chavonne Parkes- Fshion Blogs =] The blog on Gaga shoes was kool. Her shoes are so weird and her style is to but i aint complain lol is unique and nice.

-Anthony Persuad- Your blogs were so kool and i strongly agree with you when you said its creepy for a car to be control by a robot but its pretty cool.

-Katherine Ramirez- I really liked your blog about going threw alot to end up with nothing ; Thats why we really shouldnt trust anybody in a rush. Good Job!

-Alexandria Rodriguez- I also believe 100% of the reader agree with you on your blog about liers. Nice Job ! Your blogs were interesting.

-Danielle Staz-Your blogs seem pretty funny to me lol you seem to really not like the month May.

-Madhu Sharma-Your Blog page is really kool. I like the blog about the 3D paints ; is very kool and it look very amazing. So as the cavez. Your blogs are very interesting and kool :)

-Dejon Spears - Your blog about May21 might drive people a little crazy. I notice that alot of people only talk about what they going to do for the last couples of days they have left.-.- lOl

-Jermain Trim- Your blogs are also very intersting. I read the one of the women who left her new born in the trash can ; is sad and crazy at the same time ; and the one the man killed his wife; idk how people mind works these days!

-Amina Zafar- Your blog on Cheating is funny aswell as true. It could b fun but if you think about it your not really that smart if you cheat. You just get someone else grades lol

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Commandments Of Love

By now, everyone should know that my main topic is LOVE :) My friend and I wrote these commandments one day and i would like to share it with the class:
1-Obey and love your girlfriend over Everything
2-Do not play your love in vain
3-Love her/him even though your/her parents dont accept it
4-Go where your partner ask you to be
5-Do not make her/him wait when your going to meet up
6-Passionately kissing your girlfriend leaving her breathless
7-Do not desire someone else to be your partner
8-Sacrifice to get that love
9-Make her/him know that you are only there for her/him and nobody else!
                       This Part i wrote it myself :)
10-If you really love me let me know and I will love you for life
11-Love me with all your heart
12-Love to kiss and kiss to love
13-Never love two at the same time
14-Be nice to all my friends but not too much
15-Be faithful

Somebody Has To Say STOP!

            People get judge all over because of the type of music they like to hear, the people they hang out with and even cause of their raise. Im Dominican and Puertorican and you could have it for sure that i am a proud latina even though i was born here in New York. In my old school, i would have my crew of latinos ( Dominicans, Puerto Rican, Colombian and more) and when we get together we would get judge. Sometimes we were to loud and we would make jokes in the hallways and people would start to talk and judge us. No lie but dominicans could be pretty loud :). So im loud do to the fact that i am dominican and i hang out with crazy people. Me and my friends would hear merengue and bachata and people would also start talking on how they dont understand spanish songs, to change that c***. I would just ignore because i like the music from my country and it exciting to hear them. Every thing we do seem to be very innoying to others. Just by speaking our language we would hear people screaming out " We in America speak english" . We ignore them  because we are spanish we just living our life and other people should just mind their business. It reminds me of a Talent show my old friends and me join. It was 2 hours long and from those 2 hours only 5 minutes of the show was spanish. Those 5 minutes came out to be us :) By this i mean that if im spanish you could have it for sure that i wont let my spanish people down and i would represent it to the fullest. I was born hearing merengue, bachata and salsa and just because a few kids dont like spanish it doesnt mean im going to do that you ask me to do. :) I respect other countrys and others beside spanish and i expect the same.

                                     My Old Friend From The Crew :)


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Words to My Love One

                         One of the things i like to do when im bored is to write poems and letters to my love one but never give it in or show it to them. Writing poems and letters helps me out in alot of ways. When im sad i let my feelings out in a poem and when im happy i write letters. I let them know everything that goes threw my mind. When im sad or feeling a type of way that nobody could help me than i know what my solution is. I wrote this one day when i was feeling type of down : " My Heart beats fast just by Thinking Of You; My head Feels Like it wants to explode by thinking of our problems; My heart feels like is going to break in two ; And all i feel is my tear drops go down my cheeks!"
               This is a translation of one of my peoms that i had wrote in spanish : "I'm taking the risk of loving you and im worry. I see so many good feelings in you and I dont want to let you go. My heart is full of love when I think of you. Since I met you my word are about you and only you live in my thoughts! You are the only owner of my heart! You are my world."It sounds way better in spanish. I thought about all this when i was happy and even though people tell me that these are just words that anybody say to whoever, to me then mean alot.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dont Fake Love!

                 Karmas a B***H! Theres always this one person that fakes their love toward somebody else. I believe that is not the right thing to do because is could happen to you. Playing with somebodys heart just isnt the right thing to do. If someone feels love for you and you believe that the person is mixing their feelings of love and friendship is better off telling them the truth. The truth may hurt them but lieing to them hurts even more. For example : if a boy askes a girl out and the girl dont like him but says yes just because she feels bad for him then shes not doing nothing good for herself. The guy is going to fall in love with her and when someone falls in love its hard to make them understand the truth. Just say the truth. Most girls/boys that goes out with somebody else  would say "I Love You" without meaning it and when someone hears those words they get excited. Especially if they feel love for them. Faking love toward somebody else could get into a messing knot.
                  Do you prefer to be in love or fake it. When you really feel love toward somebody, you dont have to lie. You have trust in your couple, you would be there for him as well as they would be their for you. You dont have to feel uncomfortable. In fake love you feel unsecure, you think to much of whats wrong and what you want to do, there not a drop of trust and its just not the right feeling. If your not sure of what real love is then just wait untill the day comes. The day would come and that one person would show you the real meaning of love.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Unhealthy FriendShip

              Most people these days have that one person they call "BestFriends". They do everything together : go to school together, join the same school team, make videos for youtube, talks about the enemy. Its sad to know that these relationships dont always stay around for long. There are always people that get in between friendship. Be aware cause your bestfriend could end up being your enemy.
              I know this because i went threw it. I use to call this girl "BestFriend" or "BFF". I knew her for three years and those three years we did everything together. We would prank people, play softball together, take pictures or make funny videos, she would come to my house or i woud go to her house. Eventually in the 10th grade we made a crew called "LRC". All of my girlfriends were in that. It was eight of us. We decided to join the talent show and since that day on we just started arguing untill we never said a word to each other. Its sad to be in school having eight so called good friends and leaving the school with one only. I had to transfer school because of those girls i used to call friends. I wanted to have a good job in my future and being stuck in a school were everyday i would argue and fight with girls was not the way to get to college.
           What i mean by that is never to give your trust to someone you know for three or four years. They could be nice, kool, crazy but at the end they will show who they really are. Never trust someone unless your heart knows that, that person will be the Good friend you need. The friend that will always be there for you and wont betrayed you for someone they met three weeks ago. My solution is to trust myself and nobody else. Jelousy seems to be the number one reason why Friendship come to a end. Your friend could get jelousy because your pretty and maybe the boy she likes might like you. Sometimes, she could be jelousy because you didnt go to her house but you did go to somebody else house. These are not reason to get mad at your friend. A real friend wont be jelousy of you but happy and proud. A real friend wont leave you alone to go to the movies when your home crying and sad. She would be there for you in the bad and the good giving you her hands and her shoulders so you can cry on her. I would like to have a real friend but at the same time i believe im better of alone.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin Laden Lastest News!

      President Obama decided not to release Osama Bin Laden dead photos. Releasing this photo could bring more danger into the United States. Meaning that the followers of Al Qaeda could plan something against the U.S for those pictures. Yet, there has been some photo release of the scene where Osama was killed. The bloody scene. Obama also told CBS news that releasing the photo of a dead person who got shot in the head in the internet and letting it be an incitement photo is not what he wants. One of the Americans officers told the story. It seems like they were in the middle of a firefight. Gun shots everywhere. As they got closer to the house they saw Bin Laden brother which was seen getting ready to start shooting. Because of that, they had no other choice but to shot his brother and kill him. They started to go up the stairs Bin Laden son was also killed. As they enter the room they saw Osama holding an AK-47 and also a Makarov pistol. He wasn’t alone, he was with a women. The Seal Team started to fire and killed both Osama Bin Laden and the women. By that moment the firefight was over. They search his home and found allot of papers, DVD and thumb drives.
            Omar Bin Laden told ABC news that letting those photos public was not the best thing they could do. Omar was Osama fourth son. He wrote his own book: Growing up Bin Laden". He also said that when he was young Osama told him to be the leader for jihad. But Omar betrayed his father and told him no. To Omar killing innocent people was very unfair and he thought that Osama should had written letter to those he had problems with. That’s the one thing he was unacceptable about his father. Osama only liked ONE thing about United States and that one thing were the weapons. Omar would ask his father why he likes doing all this and what’s so good about it and his father would stay quiet. After 9/11 his goals were to attack and do damage!  Osama was raised as a fighter. But when the American Troops went over for some reason Osama didn’t like the idea.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New York Wants PROVE!

     It seems that half of New York City folks wants prove of Osama Bin Laden Death. According to President Obama's word, its going to be very difficult to show pictures or video of his dead body. The White House doesnt want to make a mistake and publish photos of Bin Laden to the public. They are trying to avoid that the Muslims and Bin Ladens follwers see them. New York hope are not to have anymore horrible harm or killing of 1000 of innocent peoples. Osama Bin Laden body was buried at the sea. The other half of New York proudly says "Hes Dead, Hes Gone, Game Over". They dont seem to worry about what may come after all this. Most people also hope that terrorist may dissapear after Bin Laden death. Bin Laden DNA test was taken and came out to be 99.9%. Its been told that they had tested the DNA with his sister brain. His sister died a year ago and her brain tissue and blood samples were saved for this same reason. President Obama still believes that releasing a photo of Bin Laden would not be any harm but to the Muslims.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Death

   Its Been told that Osama Bin Laden, the Leadrer Of  al Qaeda terror network was killed yesterday.The U.S Forces had killed him. His body is being hold in the US Custody. People celebrate his death in front of the White House and in Central Park by  singing, holding up the America Flag and by shouting out loud "United States". According to the speech President Obama gave last nite, Bin Laden recieved a gun shot. His body was found in a mansion at Pakistan. The goverment had said that he has been waiting for this day for 10 years. Osama was known for the tragic that had happen in 9/11. Taking away the life from all those innocent people out there in New York City. May they rest in piece. Everybody now feel a little more secure but not to much. People around the world now thinks Osama Bin Laden followers would come to us.
  It seem like